Lessons learned in helping my client prepare for seasonal family visits and rentals

Linen Closet BEFORE - Jumbled, crowded and mismatched.

Linen Closet AFTER - Streamlined, sorted and labeled to help keep things tidy.

Dishes - Outdoor-safe dishware sorted and labeled.

Old/expired products tossed to make space for a fresh start in the new season.


Years of family celebrations and seasonal renters left my client’s property looking great on the surface, but in disarray behind the scenes. She needed help calming the chaos before guests arrived.


In-depth sorting and editing helped clear space. Creating a home inventory, assigning “homes” for everything and installing labels will help ensure things stay organized and guest-ready going forward.


1) Edit after each season - Toss expired products and worn items after guests leave so you don’t accumulate clutter.

2) Create a home inventory - Review before and after guests arrive to ensure ensure you have everything needed for safety and comfort, and to ensure items haven’t gone missing.

3) Install labels - Seasonal properties tend to have many people cycling through (family, guests, renters, cleaning services, maintenance staff…). Labels remove the guesswork and help everyone understand what goes where.